Vanderbilt Developing Global Branding Platform
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Vanderbilt Industries, a global leader in providing state-of-the-art security systems, today announced that it will focus its market identity on the Vanderbilt name brand.

Following Vanderbilt Industries’ October 21 announcement of the pending acquisition of Siemens’ Security Products, the new entity, renamed Vanderbilt International GmbH, will begin to utilize the Vanderbilt name, creating a common company brand identity for both the North American and European business units.

“The product brands that are part of the acquisition are already strong names in the industry,” said Joseph J. Grillo, managing director of Vanderbilt International GmbH. “Their inclusion under the Vanderbilt umbrella will only serve to strengthen their already influential market reputation.”

As part of the continuing integration process, Vanderbilt will establish a single, unified website with a number of country-specific URLs in local languages. Over the coming two to three months, an organizational headquarters will be established in the Frankfurt, Germany area. This new headquarters will be staffed by senior corporate staff, while other employees will continue to work from their current locations.

“All Siemens’ Security products currently available in each market will continue to be supported after the close of the transaction,” said Grillo. “In addition, all service and support agreements will remain in place, and all financial and credit terms will remain unchanged. As we said at the time of the acquisition announcement, ‘Same great people, same great products.’”

“The process of integrating two companies can be challenging,” commented Grillo. “However, after visiting all of our future locations in Europe, I am ever more confident that the transition will be a smooth one, and we’ll emerge from this integration as a top-tier global player in the fast-growing security industry.”